Steps to the bathroom!

An apple each, to use the bath. Perhaps not! Nice to see the steps have been repaired. Posted by Picasa

Seeds of the Lesser Burdock

Notice the hooked barbs (brackets) on the flower heads, these will, when ripe, attach themselves to animals and clothing to be spread around. Posted by Picasa

Monday 31st July

July is over, and it must have been the hottest for a very long time. Rain is forecast and not before time. I've been told that there are fish dying in the lakes, probably due to oxygen starvation. I looked at the Fleet and the weed problem is getting worse. I noticed that someone has been dragging weed out but the little I saw on the bankside will not make a great deal of difference. Saw the swan family and they seem ok. I hope we get enough rain to make a difference.

White Water-lily (Nymphaea alba)

This water lily is quite common in Britain but not so on the fleet. Posted by Picasa

Fringed Water-lily (Nymphoides peltata)

Uncommon water-lily for our area! See Botanical Society Map Posted by Picasa

Common Blue Butterfly (Polyommatus icarus)

This is the female of the species, and is therfeore brown?? Posted by Picasa

View of the Fleet

This shows the Fleet towards 'Corus'. Big increase in the weed, which must be annoying for the anglers! Posted by Picasa

Sunday 30th July

The weather people said it would be cooler, it wasn't. They said it would rain, if it did, you couldn't tell. Still very warm and parched.
One piece of excellent news! The swan family (north) have reappeared. I'm assuming they have been avoiding the heat by staying in the reeds. Anyhow, all are fine and looking well

Large Bindweed (Calystegia silvatica)

I may be wrong on this one, it could be 'Hedge' Bindweed. It depends on whether the sepels are overlapping or not! Will check next time, riveting stuff. Nice picture though. Plants a nightmare! Posted by Picasa

The Valley

This is a view of the Valley from the Fleet. The short grass is the work of the resident rabbit family. The green foliage on either side is bramble, the home of the rabbit family. The black dog in the foreground is Holly, friend of the rabbit family!!
It looks like a bit of a desert, but in fact it is the home of quite a lot of the rarer plants, and insects. Worth a visit as you can access the ridge on the right which gives very good views over the marsh and also out to sea. Posted by Picasa

Water Mint (Mentha aquatica)

Smells strongly of mint. This plant is found on the boardwalk (south). Posted by Picasa

Painted Lady Butterfly (Vanessa cardui)

Not rare but not common on the marsh. Seen here on the Lesser Burdock plant. Posted by Picasa

Saturday 29th July

I have had an interesting suggestion regarding the use of wardens on the marsh. This may help prevent a lot of damage. Safety is the key question! I will make enquiries with the trust to see what their views are. Any complications will be around the liability and health and safety issues. Worth progressing. It was a quick walk today and another warm one. Hope the forecast of cooler weather is correct. Still no sign of the northside swans. Enjoy.

Rowen Tree (Sorbus aucuparia)

This mythical tree now laden with berries. Food for a great number of birds. Posted by Picasa

Silverweed (Potentilla anserina)

Little yellow flower glowing in the morning sunshine. Posted by Picasa

Damage by fire!

No comment!! Posted by Picasa

Canada Geese

A little flock of geese flew in to the northside and had a quick wash and preen. Posted by Picasa

Friday 28th July

A little bit late getting to the marsh. Still a very warm day and getting hotter. Walked the whole marsh in the hope of locating the swan family from the northside. No luck! Beginning to get a little bit concerned. Came across two men fishing on Long Lake near to the southside swan family. Pointed out that this was a nature reserve and that fishing was prohibited. Got a load of abuse.
Still it won't prevent me from speaking out again. Enjoy today's photos, I enclose a picture of the fire damage to the southside of the marsh. I have noticed that the 'Orange-Ball' tree has been a casualty, which is a shame as it was popular with bees and butterflies. What a stupid waste.

Beaked Hawk's-beard (Crepis vesicaria)

May be wrong about this plants name, will have to check. There are so many similar plants of this description. Posted by Picasa

Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)

Just the one small patch, among a sea of Hedge Bindweed (white flowers) Posted by Picasa

Young Mallards

Look a little bit comical, with their bright orange legs! Posted by Picasa

Thursday 27th July

Another warm day in the offering, however at 7:00 am it was a bit cooler than usual. Swifts Swallows and Housemartins were not up and about, nodoubt waiting for the insects. Have not seen the the swan family(north) for a couple of days, wondering where they have gone to?

Common Club-rush (Schoenoplectus lacustris)

Widely distributed throughout the British Isles, found on freshwater and brackish waterways.
The fruits of the plant seen here, are technically nuts, having hard outer surfaces. Posted by Picasa

Lesser Burdock (Arctium minus)

Memories of childhood! Huge bottles of Lowcocks' Dandilion and Burdock. I can tast it now. Posted by Picasa

Poppy (Opium) Seed Heads.

Last month, I published the picture of the flowers. Here are the seed heads, much beloved of flower arrangers and interior designers. Also photographers! Posted by Picasa

Laburnum Tree (Laburnum anagyroides)

Highly poisonous tree that should be avoided. Don't know why it was planted. In ignorance I expect. In the photo you can see the seed pods that can be attractive to children. Aparently there are some 3000 cases of poisoning per year of children eating the seeds, thankfully no fatalities. On a brighter note, it does make a striking looking tree. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday 26th July

Evidence of work on the marsh. It must be difficult in this weather, but they have been repairing and building the footpaths, improving access over some of the 'muddy' areas. Desperately need rain to dampen things down, rain would rejuvenate the insect life on the muddier areas and therefore bring in the waders. Just had an email from a fellow wanderer of the marsh, who comments on the damage caused by children setting fires. I commend him for taking the time to talk to the children he meets out there. I'm sure it can only do good, and perhaps, prevent further harm. Enjoy!

Meadow Pipet (Anthus pratensis)

Common on the marsh and surrounding scrub land, notice the large toes of this ground-dwelling bird. Posted by Picasa

Swallow (Hirundo rustica)

Making a big splash!
They all come back together to the water to drink every 10 to 15 minutes, after hunting for flies on the wing. Some just touch the water others make quite a splash. Posted by Picasa

Male Linnet (Carduelis cannabina)

Plenty of theses finches happy to perch at the top of the tree Posted by Picasa

Tuesday 25th July

Is this Global Warming? I think we are going to have to migrate north for the summer, where its a bit cooler. Out by 7:00am and already too warm to hang around. Every where is parched.
Signs that local yobs have been setting fires. That's going to get worse as we are now into the holiday season. Definitely need rain. Very quiet, bird wise, usual finches and the swifts and swallows. Enjoy today's offerings.

Grey Heron

Had to include this picture! Walking on water as he flees my camera. Posted by Picasa